Ecological Impacts of Agribusiness Transformation in a Spanish Mediterranean Enclave: Impacts on the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon



In recent decades, most Spanish Mediterranean agricultural regions have been transformed to meet global food demands and joined production networks: a convergence process that has granted them steady economic growth. certain cases, however, this transformation led of ecological degradation. This article focuses on the Torre-Pacheco case, in Campo de Cartagena region (southeast Spain, Murcia), reconstruct events become enclave agribusiness determine connections between To end, water transfer project is first addressed as turning point for local sector from which described regarding land use, technical adaptations, employment/recruitment changes, etc. A documented result these transformations subsequently presented: significant contribution degradation Mar Menor coastal lagoon, whose natural site will remain endangered if ‘business usual’ continues. Au cours des dernières décennies, la plupart régions agricoles méditerranéennes espagnoles se sont transformées pour répondre à demande alimentaire mondiale et ont rejoint les réseaux mondiaux agricole: un processus qui leur conféré une croissance économique soutenue. Dans certains cas cependant, cette conduit dégradation écologique. Cet concentre sur le Torre-Pacheco, dans région (sud-est l'Espagne, Murcie), reconstruire événements devenir l'agro-industrie déterminer liens entre fin, projet transfert d'eau est d'abord abordé comme tournant secteur agricole local, partir duquel décrite en termes d'utilisation terres, d’adaptations techniques changements l'emploi recrutement, autres. Est ensuite présenté résultat documenté ces l'agro-industrie: nette écologique lagune côtière Menor, dont naturel restera menacé si statu quo poursuit. den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich die meisten landwirtschaftlichen Regionen im spanischen Mittelmeerraum gewandelt, um weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu befriedigen und globalen, Produktionsnetzwerken anzuschließen: Konsolidierung zur Sicherung von konstantem Wachstum. einigen Fällen hat diese Umwandlung jedoch einer ökologischen Verschlechterung geführt. Dieser Artikel konzentriert auf Fall der Region (Südostspanien, Ereignisse rekonstruieren dazu geführt haben, dass globalen Produktionsenklave geworden ist. Und Zusammenhänge zwischen Transformation Agrarwirtschaft Degradation ermitteln. Zu diesem Zweck wird zunächst ein Wassertransferprojekt als Wendepunkt für lokalen Agrarsektor betrachtet, welchem aus Wandel Agrarindustrie unter anderem Bezug Landnutzung, technische Anpassungen Veränderungen Beschäftigten beschrieben wird. Das Ergebnis dieser anschließend dokumentiert: Ein bedeutender Beitrag Küstenlagune deren natürlicher Lebensraum weiterhin gefährdet ist, sollte fortgesetzt werden. experienced major over decades. Benign weather public support European institutions facilitated lengthy crop seasons optimal conditions intensive commercialisation. Several (e.g. Almeria Valencia) entered networks through an intense transformations, such adaptation commercial with international markets. However, affected health, systems, normal functioning sites, lagoon rapid crisis. The reconstruction enclaves may lead better comprehension effects conservation. One municipality Murcia autonomous community located within smaller called Cartagena, southeast Spain. day, populated hosts largest number agribusinesses region. undergone especially since completion project, ‘Tajo-Segura trasvase’, 1979. These whole 1970, was just small town no more than 13,000 inhabitants; it now accommodates triple figure. changed landscape economically, socially demographically. Until arrived, provided dry farming, operations run mostly by families aimed at or regional Subsequent transfer, began orient themselves towards irrigated fruit vegetable polycultures. They adapted exports one Europe, often referred ‘Europe’s orchard’. could endanger balance region, occurred lagoon. Various activities are indicated having contributed area: agriculture, livestock urbanism tourism, waste disposal, other carried out recreational navigation fishing. scientists continuously shown agriculture be principal causes degradation, while inputs wastewater treatment plants contaminated urbanised areas were discontinuous lesser volume (García-Ayllon Miralles, 2014; MITECO, 2019; Velasco al., 2006). Greenhouse polyculture farming imply least four direct consequences: greater dependence inputs; residues (liquid, solid gaseous); erosion due non-permeability greenhouse plastics, resulting higher flood risk; loss biodiversity. Therefore, case suitably illustrate impact globally hydraulic engineering Tajo-Segura required construction infrastructures divert Tajo River Mundo (Albacete province), constitutes main tributary Segura River. Thanks post-transfer known channel, transferred reached farmers Consequently, progressively substitution traditional cereals, animal fodder, olive almond cultures, all can survive scarce irregular irrigation, polycultures, involve very high dependent external incomes, seeds, fertilisers pesticides. Agricultural triggered effect massive availability triumph form ‘desert conquest’ (De Castro 2017). remaining parts plain River, but difficulties its expansion into cost-effective productive units. excessive cost fragmentation hindered land. Hence development Vega Alta Media continued centred citrus stone production, whilst orchards Baja Murcia/Alicante, produce fresh vegetables fruits. contrast, explored herein, presented best initiation polycultures when became available. early 1980s, new period started sustained growth includes Torre-Pacheco. During period, family workforce still prevailed help specific circumstances; revealed strong need capable meeting work seeding, pruning picking campaigns. increasing not met workers, indigenous population remained unwilling demands, migrant soon essential. Subsequently, around 1982, plan framed strategy connect companies agri-food Source: Corine Land Cover 1990 & 2018. Created QGis3.10 software. Traditional decades profitable appeal markets, vegetables, fruits flowers. Data given Table 1. part registered similar data, data only available 2011 level disaggregation. tendencies include following: Between 1981 2003, 23 per cent total world area suffered terms nutrient soil desertification (Sassen, 2014). last two grown steadily, largely owing unprecedented monocultures worldwide, sugar, soybean palm oil (Shiva, 2016). several factors related exploitation cultivated area, including use inputs, reduction biodiversity precipitated monocultures, cultivation greenhouses, toxic filtering caused poor farm management. context, eutrophication 1990s, 2015 considered ‘environmental collapse’ (MITECO, 2019). Eutrophication entire body water, enriched minerals nutrients induce increase phytoplankton productivity. bodies undergo invasion plant species subject toxicity both animals plants. Nitrates phosphates worrying situation. enter subterranean soils aquifers, raise groundwater levels, then discharged variable quantities via Albujón wadi (dry riverbed) Quaternary aquifer. Furthermore, torrential rains occur, ‘cold drops’ Mediterranean, rapidly off causing extreme episodes eutrophication, ‘green soup’ green colour adopts, September 2019 (see Figure 2). sum up, studies vary, estimates stand approximately 300,000 tons nitrates currently accumulated aquifer, discharge 530–4,800 kg day Sentinel-2 satellite 13th 2019. As 1991, Union had Directives 91/271/EEC 91/676/EEC mentioned ‘vulnerable zone’. No attention paid, until 2017 Murcian authorities rushed adopt policies, uneven insufficient manner, according experts involved 2017, 2018 2019, government approved legislation urgent measures guarantee environmental sustainability Menor. Nevertheless, various mortality among marine organisms 2016, summer 2021 latest incident, anoxia (lack oxygen) thousands again. there agreement landowners, experts. popular legislative initiative (promoted civil society) give legal personality passed steps about discussed submitted vote national parliament. would transform entity, enabling citizens sue those responsible damage (further information found official website: meantime, under proceedings, continues failing reverse situation limiting harmful activities. If current form, model highly monoculture model, persist. “Die Salzwasserlagune ist perfektes Beispiel Zerstörung Natur durch Agrarindustrie.” “La nature suite aux parfaitement illustrée salée Menor.” “The exemplified perfectly saltwater case.” © La Voz Almería. Dead fish after episode Marcial Guillén. Seahorses (Hippocampus Guttulatus), almost extinct Autonomous Community.

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عنوان ژورنال: EuroChoices

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1478-0917', '1746-692X']